Google Trends: THE GOLD MINE You are missing out

As an avid marketeer, you probably are on an ongoing endless journey fetching data, information, and trends. Many great tools are out there with fancy visualization tools. However, you might be missing out big time on the amazing resourceful tool of Google Trends. When was the last time you checked out Google Trends? You can use it for several tasks daily in your operations.

  • Your next social media post to find out the latest trend in any of the fields you are working on
  • Keyword research for the top and rising keywords
  • The best locations to run your campaign
  • The most used spelling of a word or how users actually mention your name or acronym
  • Performance of your brand compared to the competition, when, where, and why

In short, you need to give it a try and unearth this gold mine.
Here is the Google Trends guide you download it from here